Nail salon

Nail AccentZ

Masterton, WGN

92% like it (4.6 / 11 Reviews )


Address: 32 Kummer Crescent, Masterton 5810, New Zealand MapGet Directions

Phone : +64 273 88 16 54 Call


Nail AccentZ logo
Nail AccentZ is a nail salon located at 32 Kummer Crescent, 5810, Masterton , WGN.
It has received 11 reviews with an average rating of 4.6 stars.


Payment methods accepted at this establishment:
  • ✅ Pay with debit cards

This Nail salon received 4.6 points from 11 customer reviews.

The address of Nail Accentz is:

Nail AccentZ
32 Kummer Crescent
Masterton, 5810
P: +64273881654

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